Toronto: Hillel Fuld

Event Date: May 7, 2024
Hillel Fuld is known as a tech guru and a top marketer in Israel.  It’s not uncommon for Hillel Fuld to meet with a prime minister, an NBA player, a top actor, a leading rabbi, or a Google team and then have lunch with someone to help the person find a job.
But since the Oct. 7 attacks, the married father of five children has halted his regular work as an entrepreneur, startup advisor, and consultant to focus on media interviews and creating social media content to educate people about Israel.  We are excited to host the brilliance that is Hillel Fuld


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Hillel Fuld is known as a tech guru and a top marketer in Israel.  It’s not uncommon for Hillel Fuld to meet with a prime minister, an NBA player, a top actor, a leading rabbi, or a Google team and then have lunch with someone to help the person find a job.

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